There are various types of harassment and workplace discrimination that are illegal under Minnesota law. If you believe you have experienced workplace harassment or discrimination at your place of employment in Minnesota, it can be helpful for you to explore the types of discrimination that are unlawful in the state.
The following list is not exhaustive but can give you some preliminary information about the most common types of workplace harassment and discrimination claims in Minnesota. This information may help you determine whether you may have a case for a lawsuit, and if so, whether you wish to consult with an attorney to explore your options.
Job discrimination factors
Job discrimination in Minnesota occurs in a range of areas. Some of the most common types include sexual harassment, retaliation, a hostile work environment, as well as the full range of discrimination claims based on physical or lifestyle factors, such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy or a medical condition. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights expects sexual harassment claims in the state to rise in 2018. That department said it aims to make the state harassment-free, and the state’s Commissioner of Human Rights said he believes now is a “watershed moment.” Given the current climate surrounding sexual harassment, discrimination claims may in fact rise in the state. Therefore, if you have experienced workplace harassment, the current climate may be more conducive to you speaking out and filing a claim.
Where to turn
The first step in considering your options is to be clear about what you have experienced and compile any relevant information, evidence and details about your potential case. Sexual harassment, for example, can take various forms, including but not limited to sexual favors in exchange for avoiding termination or for career advancement, presentation of sexually suggestive materials, as well as unwanted sexual advances or jokes, gestures, and comments.
Because the range of workplace discrimination cases is so vast, it can be helpful to consult with an experienced workplace discrimination lawyer. An attorney who works with these types of cases can help you understand your options under Minnesota law.