In all states, there are laws in place that make it illegal to discriminate against employees for certain reasons. In Minnesota, if there has been discrimination at the workplace, it is therefore possible for those who faced discrimination to take the people or institution responsible to court.
This might be happening with one school that may have overstepped the bounds concerning gender equality. Several women who work or worked as coaches in the school system may be filing a lawsuit soon. It was made known that they received right to sue letters from the U.S. Department of Justice recently, and that they would be holding a press conference soon in order to delve into further detail about the issue.
The women claim that there is a deep gender bias in the school. Some workers say that the gender bias is “very obvious”, and that the work environment is not comfortable. One woman was the highest paid coach in the county, but it was suddenly decided not to renew her contract. Though the school claims this decision was not made with gender in mind, the lawsuit may be pursued regardless. Other coaches with complaints include the former softball coach and the women’s basketball coach, who will be attending the press conference.
Issues revolving around gender equality and potential discrimination can be a rather large deal. For that reason, anyone who is facing a similar situation can at least take solace in the fact that there are legal paths for them to take.
Source: Pioneer Press, “Minnesota-Duluth: Ex-coaches expected to file gender discrimination lawsuit,” John Shipley, Sep 22, 2015