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Employee sues after she says employer violated FMLA

On Behalf of | Aug 20, 2014 | Employee Rights |

In Minnesota, workers have the right to take time off from work for various medical reasons without having to worry that their job is going to be placed in jeopardy. This was made possible when the Family and Medical Leave Act was passed. According to this law, qualified employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off work each year for a variety for reasons including their own sickness, to care for an immediate family member who is ill or when they give birth or adopt a child. At the end of the time off, employees are guaranteed that they will be able to return to their jobs in the same position, or a position that is equal to the one they had before.

Despite this protection, a woman claims that her employee rights were violated when her job was reduced after taking a week off because of disabilities that prevented her from working. The woman has a history of documented medical issues including hypertension and anxiety. On occasion, these issues prevent the woman from performing her duties at work.

This was the case when the woman took a week off her job as a parking garage cashier in August 2012. Although she told management that she was taking time off because of medical reasons, when she came back to work, she was told that her job had changed from full time to on call. Since then she has only been assigned one shift.

The woman has filed a lawsuit against her employer in which she is seeking compensation for her lost wages and benefits.

Source: The Pennsylvania Record, “Suit: Reduction of parking lot employee’s hours violated FMLA,” Jim Boyle, Aug. 7, 2014



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