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Former Vikings player claims workplace discrimination

On Behalf of | May 7, 2014 | Workplace Discrimination |

In Minnesota and the rest of the country, it is against the law for employers to discriminate against employees based on personal characteristics such as race, age, sex and color. It is also unlawful for employers to discriminate based on an employee’s religious views, disabilities and genetic information.

A former NFL player is considering a lawsuit against the Minnesota Vikings after he was released from the team last May. This despite the fact that he performed near his career average the season prior to his release and even had a career high yards per punt average of 39.7. Chris Kluwe says he was let go from the team because of his support of same-sex marriage.

Kluwe alleged that he was asked by the team’s general manager and former coach to stop publically supporting and talking about social issues in 2012. This came after Kluwe helped to lead an effort to stop a constitutional amendment designed to only allow marriage between a man and a woman. Kluwe also said the special teams coordinator continuously made anti-gay remarks during the 2012 season.

The Minnesota Department of Human Resources has a statute of limitations of one year for claims for workplace discrimination, but the team has agreed to allow more time in order for an independent investigation to be performed.

If you have been negatively affected by workplace discrimination, you may wish to consult with an attorney experienced in employment law. Doing so may enable you to be properly compensated for your damages.

Source: ESPN, “Chris Kluwe considering lawsuit,” Ben Goessling, April 26, 2014



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