Working in a corrupt company is not something that any employee should have to be subjected to. Yet, many workers worry that if they report the corruption, they may lose their jobs. This is why Minnesota has adopted laws that protect employees who report illegal conduct. These “whistleblower” laws state that an employer should not retaliate in any way against an employee who reports a violation.
A former Goodwill employee is suing the company after she says she was wrongfully terminated after reporting the unethical practices of the director of donated goods. Because she suffered from emotional stress and lost income, she is seeking compensatory and punitive damages in her lawsuit.
The former employee worked as a human resources manager for Goodwill Industries when an employee came to her last September to report that the director of donated goods and another employee and her husband were taking donated items and reselling them on eBay on a regular basis. They would then split the proceeds amongst themselves.
After the manager began to investigate, she says that the CEO and president tried to stop her. She also says the director of donated goods threatened her. It ended with the manager being fired from her job on October 23.
This appears to be a case of employer retaliation and wrongful termination against the manager. If you have had a similar experience where you were fired after blowing the whistle on illegal or unethical activity, you may wish to contact a lawyer experienced in employment law to discuss your case.
Source: The Chronicle-Telegram, “Former manager sues Goodwill Industries for wrongful termination,” Lisa Roberson, April 19, 2014