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Arbitrator rules former MSU coach was wrongly terminated

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2014 | Wrongful Termination |

When an employee is fired from his job in Chaska, Minnesota, it can not only have an effect on his financial situation, but it can also be harmful to his reputation and ability to get another job. This is why it is so important for those who have experienced a wrongful termination to stand up against their employer.

One 47-year-old man who did just that is the former head football coach of Minnesota State University, Mankato. In 2012, university staff found naked images of the man’s children on his work-issued cellphone. He was arrested and charged with child pornography. Three months later, the charges were dismissed after a judge determined the videos were innocent images of the man’s children after they had taken a bath.

Even though the charges were dismissed, the coach was fired. The firing was apparently decided by the university’s president who said that the reason the coach was fired was because he had been watching pornography on his work computer. The coach denies that he ever watched porn on his computer, but said that other people had access to the computer.

An arbitrator recently found that the university did not have reason to fire the coach and ordered the school to reinstate him immediately. If the coach, who was recently hired as the head coach at Minot State, does not want to work for Minnesota State again, the university will be required to make up the difference in his salary. This will enable him to have the same benefits he had while he was contracted to work at Minnesota State.

Source: Twin Cities, “Mankato football coach wrongfully terminated, should be reinstated, arbitrator says,” Amy Forliti, Apr. 10, 2014



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