Serving Clients In Carver County And Throughout The Greater Minneapolis – Saint Paul Region

4 workers injured in stage collapse after concert

On Behalf of | Feb 2, 2014 | Employee Rights |

Workers in Chaska, Minnesota have the right to a safe place to do their jobs. Of course, no situation is ever 100 percent free from the potential for accidents, but these risks should be minimized as much as possible to ensure the safety of those who work there.

The risks associated with taking down a stage apparently were not minimized at Ohio State University recently. Employees were working on disassembling the stage after a Luke Bryan concert when a bump from a forklift sent part of the stage crashing to the ground. Apparently the forklift was not the root cause of the collapse, just the catalyst that sent it into motion. Workers reported that there were several mistakes made which led to the accident.

One Live Nation employee and three Ohio State employees were on the stage when it collapsed. The men, who range in age from 26 to 47, fell to the ground with the stage and were hit by falling pieces of equipment. Amazingly, none of their injuries were too serious. Two of them suffered minor injuries to their left feet, one had a minor injury on his left forearm and the other had an unspecified minor injury.

These workers may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for their injuries. They may wish to speak with an attorney who can explain their employee rights and ensure that they are properly compensated for their medical expenses. In addition, if they have to take time off work to heal, they may be entitled to their missed wages.

Source: NBC4i, “4 Injured In Partial Collapse At Schottenstein Center,” Alex Mazer, Cindi Remy, Denise Yost, Jan. 17, 2014



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