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Anti-discrimination laws may expand to include LGBT spectrum

On Behalf of | Sep 14, 2015 | Workplace Discrimination |

People who fall under the LGBT spectrum in Minnesota may have something new to celebrate. When it comes to discrimination in the workplace or at home, many workers do not have protection. However, tides are changing as corporations begin to voice their support for LGBT members.

Along those lines, recent news has come along that Target Corp. has joined other U.S. corporations and General Mills in supporting new anti-discrimination laws that could protect LGBT members. They show support for legislation that would make it illegal for housing and workplaces to discriminate against employees or residents based on their sexual orientation or their gender identity.

Currently, despite the fact that there are anti-discrimination laws in place, there are no nationwide laws that make it illegal to discriminate against people who fall in the LGBT spectrum. This can make life more difficult for them, as they may face discrimination in their housing communities or at work and they are legally not protected from these discriminations.

The Equality Act, if passed, will allow for these people to seek help if they ever face discrimination at their place of home or work. Target is lending their hand once more after a show of solidarity by eliminating gender-based signage in their stores.

While there is still a lot of work to be done when it comes to the equalization of every person in the country, these are important steps forward. If the Equality Act is passed, it is one more legal protection that people under the LGBT spectrum can enjoy.

Source: Grand Forks Herald, “Target, General Mills support LGBT anti-discrimination bill,” Sep 11, 2015



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